Orenstein, Peggy. Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front-Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture. Harper/HarperCollins.
At the turn of the twentieth century debate centered on the merits of the traditional “womanly” woman compared to the assertive “new” type depicted in Henrik Ibsen’s plays. Today there is just as serious a discussion about the rearing of females from an early age. Corporate culture, Disney and American Girl prominent among its members, tell girls not yet out of preschool that how they look to others is more important than their own self-identity. Argument rages over whether the “princess” viewpoint is an early form of empowerment or just self-absorption reinforced by buying certain products.
The pressure to live up to certain standards of “femininity,” critics claim, may lead to depression, eating disorders, poor body image and bad choices regarding sexuality. Orenstein not only writes about these issues but is living through it having a daughter of her own.
Reviewed by Librarian, Bob.
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