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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Public Libraries: A Love Letter

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Here's a little bit of this wonderful letter from Jen Sherman of BookRiot:

"Some of the library users I interviewed went to the library regularly mainly to take their children to storytime. Some attended book clubs or knitting groups, forming friendships and connections with neighbours that lasted years. Others used it as a place to unwind and de-stress, somewhere to hang out that was welcoming, pleasant, and free."
"I remain constantly amazed by the library: how it is open and accessible, how anyone can come in and read books on their shelves, how I can read books for free. I love the principles that underpin many public libraries—that knowledge and information should be accessible and free, that public spaces and social connections are important, and that collaboration, creation, and community enrich lives. And I remain ever grateful that they exist. To librarians and libraries everywhere, thank you."

No, thank YOU Jen Sherman. 
And a great big THANK YOU to all our supportive patrons who have been with us for so many years. We appreciate all of you!

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